Ahah! Now u haz to rub mah tumee!

Quicksand kitteh.....needs to think fast

Der is no Fluffy, only Zuul.


invisible tickle

Leaving car at home, Mysteriously not saving gas.

Oops, sry. Bom Waz Ment For Teh Dog. U Okay?
Tags: friday, funny, lolcats, pictures
spudart said,
This is a superior week of the lolcats selection. I like the first one, cuz it's like the cat is a catpad. Get it? Mousepad. Catpad. Oh I'm so funny!
But the one that made me llol was the car one. They could have gone with some standard joke about cats driving. Or road rage or something. but they tied it into the current topic of gas. And the thought that someone is leaving their car at home, but somehow not saving gas… all cuz the cat is secretly taking the cart out, that is HILARIOUS! makes you wonder where the cat is going. He looks quite serious.
July 18, 2008 @ 11:03 am
spudart said,
whoa the spudart is down to five comments in the past month? wow.
July 18, 2008 @ 11:03 am
sparx said,
Yeah.. the girl stopped commenting on my blog.. and you guys all kind of followed. :-/
Now if she came back.. everything would be fixed. See how it works. 🙂
Anyway, I think this is probably my favorite lolcat week yet.
July 18, 2008 @ 11:06 am