Hey Pandora, It's been awhile

I think it's been about a year and a half since I stopped using Pandora and switched to Spotify.

In an attempt to lazily build a new playlist, I thought I'd give Pandora and its magic song-picking algorithm another shot – I'm off to a slow start, but it's still going much faster than if I had to actually think of songs and curate them myself.

I have a bit of a beef with Pandora though:
They don't display the title of the current playing track in the browser title!
Looking at the browser tab and seeing "Pandora Internet Radio – Listen to Free Music You'll Love" is not terribly handy.
Looking and seeing "Awesome song – Some band I've never heard of | Pandora" would be so much more useful.

This has always bugged me, and I think I've been using Pandora since at least early 2006. I think that puts the chances of this feature ever being added at just under 0% – which means that I'm satisfied with the number of songs I've found using Pandora… it's right back to Spotify for me.

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  1. Joe said,

    SPOTIFY has the themed radio functionality now. You can pick an artist and start SPOTIFY radio based on that, then thumbs up or down to cutomize it more to your tastes. I listen to SPOTIFY radio all day to block out annoying coworkers.

    February 21, 2013 @ 9:56 am

  2. sparx said,

    Aww man! I've used that before too!
    I feel so stupid for forgetting about it.

    February 21, 2013 @ 9:59 am

  3. spudart said,

    I've never been a pandora fan. It never had the ability build playlists. Why spend time in pandora when I have to open another app to add the song to a playlist?

    In my past I've used last.fm's discovery tool, then mog.com's. And now I'm with Spotify. I like Spotify's radio feature, but when you do an artist-based radio in Spotify, it's only good for about 30 minutes, and then it starts repeating songs OVER AND OVER. Wait, that's like the real radio.

    And back to Pandora. Any music I listen to, I want it scrobbled to last.fm. Yeah, there's some Chrome and Firefox add-on for Pandora that does that, but it always feels clunky. Pandora to me is clunky. Clunky, clunky, clunky. I like saying the word clunky.

    February 21, 2013 @ 10:15 am

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