Posted Comments

I've always felt like I should contribute more to other blogs by posting comments. Sure, a lot of the time I don't really have anything worth saying, but when has that ever stopped me? +points at entire blog+

I've decided to borrow an idea from spudart and start keeping track of all the comments I post. I think that having something that I can look at and get a quick overview of my comment behavior might encourage me to comment just a bit more.

I'm debating what to do with these. One possibility is to have a post each month containing all comments I've posted from the previous month, or a "best of" if I ever get to the point of having to weed them down.

And to the random interwebbers that may stumble across this post: if you have a blog that you think is worthy 😛 of my comments, post it here in the comments.

Comments (10)