Some good comics this week

There are a few web comics that were published this week that I thought were really great – I'm not going to steal the images, hotlink to them, or bother to create thumbnails. I'm just going to put links to them. Starting… now!

  1. Networking (xkcd) – This totally makes me want to become a business professional!
  2. Not Winter (left-handed toons) – This guy shares my superpower!
  3. Craps (left-handed toons) – This was me in Vegas. I spent a lot of time around the craps table trying to make sure I understood how to play. I never did get up the confidence to jump in and throw some dice though.


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Cone-ing [YouTube]

The "war paint" at the end is great!


Is Your Refrigerator Running?

refrigerator running

I don't think I could catch this guy. Look at those wicked fast tiny legs!

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Bill The Fishing Guy – Bloopers [YouTube]

I wouldn't consider fishing to be a very entertaining sport, but this "Bill the Fishing Guy" manages to spin that around.


Baby Elephant Sneezes and Scares Himself [YouTube Video]

I can't stop laughing at this!

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Friday lolcats – 09/26/08 (but actually posted on 9/27. Oh noes!)

supr genius kitteh haz unuzuly lrg brane

supr genius kitteh haz unuzuly lrg brane

But wait.. there's more!

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Friday lolcats – 09/19/08

DIS mak dem wakup an’ feed meh!

DIS mak dem wakup an’ feed meh!

more lolcats! (cutest one is last)

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