Spudart has 777 posted comments!

Spudart recently posted the following reader request:

Hey, I have a reader request. I am a reader. And I have a request. Thus, I have a reader request. Ready? ahem. mememememe. mememememe. Ready?

I want a blog post where I can talk about how many comments I have. And how many you have. I often talk about the number of comments I have on random blog posts. But it would be really nice to have all those comments under one blog post. Then I can always go to that blog post whenever I want to say something like, "wow. i have 771 comments." Then I can go back and relive the memories when I said, "wow, i have 498 comments." Or some other random number.

So… here is that post. If anyone else wants to talk about the comments they've left, or the number, or whatever. Here. This place. I'll even make it easy to remember by giving it the url "sparxmind.com/comments".

Comments (12)