Brawndo… Part Duece

I realize that by posting about Brawndo that I'm buying into a viral marketing campaign.. the sort which I would normally try to distance myself from as much as possible. But.. Brawndo has electrolytes. And it'll make me win at posting! And just by reading this, you might be winning at something.

If you've been watching things though, you may know that the roll-out date for the sugary goodness is Dec 15.. just 2 days from now. Turns out it's been for sale at various outlets for some time now, including my favorite online source for goodies – Thinkgeek.

We're going to have to plan a Brawndo party.. which will probably include more booze than Brawndo. If you're in the south-eastern Wisconsin area, drop a comment and I'll put you on the guest list. 🙂

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If you haven't seen the movie Idiocracy then this video won't make any sense and will just seem really stupid. If you have seen Idiocracy, well, it'll still seem stupid – but funny stupid. Yes.. you'll actually be able to buy Brawndo.

It's got electrolytes!

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