Fridge Parmesan

Last week's CSA share included eggplant. I'm pretty sure I've never had eggplant.
I thought it would be fun to try making eggplant parmesan, but being too lazy to look up a recipe, I decided to wing it.

It was probably the second or third slice through the eggplant that it hit me that this would not be enough food. It was an Asian Eggplant, which is long and skinny. I kept slicing and ended up covering about half of the bottom of a 9×9" baking dish.

Nope, needed more food, so out came all the veggies I had.

The "eggplant" parmesan quickly became, "eggplant/zucchini/summer squash" parmesan. And then I tore up a handful of green beans too. Why not?

A handful of cherry tomatoes (these were delicious tomatoes), some spaghetti sauce (just enough to cover, I probably should have used more), some parmesan cheese (in a jar, none of that real stuff for me), some mozzarella (I think I'm going to break my record for parentheses in a post), and a ton of fresh basil.

30 minutes covered at 375°F, 10 more minutes uncovered (oven off, I knew it would retain that heat for long enough) to brown the cheese a little, and viola!

It was good.

Except the beans. I regretted those as soon as I put them in.

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