You've Got Questions.. I've Got.. Whatever.

I've just deleted the 2,201st spam comment since starting this blog last year (on July 21st). Between me and my spam filter, guess how many spam comments have actually slipped through and actually shown up on here? Zero. Over that same period of time, the spam filter has also wrongly caught maybe 5 legitimate comments. Whoops. It'd be nice if there weren't so many douches around trying to scam their way towards an income.

I'm trying really hard to save money. Not going out to eat nearly as much, living with a roommate, carpooling whenever possible. I made turkey sandwiches for lunch today, how interesting is that? 😛 I've just started using Yodlee to keep track of all my banking and debts. It's a great service, and has really helped me see the bigger picture of my financial situation.. which looks kind of like a painting by Vincent van Gogh if you squint just right.

Ask sparxMind.. do it. I need you to ask some questions so I can get some more content up there.. and then google will love me.. and random people will show up and ask more questions.. and then.. yeah.

Also, going back to the comment spam thing – I keep getting what I would consider semi-legitimate comments. These are comments that aren't advertising anything, and I can tell that they were actually written by a person that read my post. The problem is that they're linking to sites that appear (to me) to be questionable – mp3 sites, adsense sites, etc. I'm reluctant to let these slip through, especially since the people posting them seem to switch email addresses and names with every comment.

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  1. unlikelymoose said,

    "spam" spelled backwards is "maps". Why is that? I think i will pose that question on asksparx!

    July 12, 2008 @ 8:20 pm

  2. spudart said,

    my mind is about to explode after reading this post.

    August 7, 2008 @ 2:07 pm

  3. sparx said,

    Jeeeeeez! This post hurts MY head too!

    I feel like my head is going to pop up like some sort of Pez Dispenser in a really bizarre Pez Collection of some sort!

    June 3, 2009 @ 4:12 pm

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