Archive for Random

McDonald's.. I sue you.

Ah.. McDonald's breakfast – few things on this earth are as horrible as you. Yet.. I occasionally subject myself to the torture of consuming you, and for some unexplainable reason enjoy it.

Your coffee is better than the stuff that comes in a 10 gallon metal can, but still can't compare to that of even some of the worst coffee shops. But even crappy coffee is more enjoyable when it's in my mouth, not on my shirt.

Today I received what I will call a "defective lid." The type of lid that looks normal, and makes you wonder how tired (stupid) you must be to keep spilling coffee.  It took three spills.. one on my shirt and two test spills on my desk to realize that, in this instance at least, I wasn't a complete idiot.

The recessed rim around the top edge had a crack in it right below the "drink here" hole. Such a crack would make it seem like you were just drooling coffee all over yourself, but my incredible powers of deduction proved otherwise.

I'm tired.

Oh, and the coffee wasn't hot anymore.

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Math problem

I have to take issue with this bottle of mountain dew that's sitting on my desk. Here's a quick breakdown of the relevant facts on the nutrition label:

1 bottle = 20 oz = 2.5 servings

1 serving = 110 calories

So, some simple math (110 calories x 2.5 servings) SHOULD give us the number of calories in the entire bottle, right? The bottle disagrees. All the other figures work out, the sodium and sugar, but the calories do not. Instead of being 275 calories per bottle, somehow (according to the label) we're at 290. Is there some sort of caloric conversion that needs to be done that explains this?

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Dear readers

At least one of you are coming to this page by searching google for "sparxmind".


It's not a term that is accidentally searched for.. and if you're trying to get here and remember "sparxmind," why go through the trouble of google-ing it, why not just add a ".com" to the end and get here all quick and speedy-like?

I'm asking, because it strikes me as odd, and there might actually be a valid reason for doing it like that.. so, if it's you – comment? I'm curious. Thanks 🙂

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Saturday cute..stuff


we needz eskalayder


and a game? sure.. Winter Bells


Wal-mart surprise!

I have absolutely no plans for today. Nothing.

I thought I should put some effort into fixing that, so I decided to try to tackle my window cover project that was mentioned in the last post. This meant that a trip to Wal-mart was in order.  Do you ever get to the store, and have a list of everything that you need in your head, and then as soon as you get out of the car or even into the store… *poof*, that list just vaporizes? Yeah, I had one of those moments. Just about the only thing that I could remember was the hooks, which they were out of. For some reason I decided against the cheaper hooks that didn't have the non-messy adhesive, and left empty handed. Next time I'll go with a list so I don't forget the four other things that I need. Hopefully. I probably won't even write up a list.

When I go shopping, I tend to stay focussed on what I need and that's it. I'll grab the occasional impulse buy, maybe a jar of mixed nuts, whatever, but that's semi-rare. If I go shopping with a friend, I don't have any issues with just wandering and looking at everything all day, but when I'm on my own – get it and get out. Anyway, I'm walking towards the back of the store and hear a girl say "oh.. that's different" so I had to stop and look. There's an area in the first big aisle where they have palettes of stuff stacked up, because for some of it it just makes more sense than shelving it. The particular one that we were looking at usually has things like gatorade, or those flavored-ice-in-a-plastic-tube popsicle things, but not today. I guess this Wal-mart now stocks beer. And what better place to put it than right where someone would go if they were looking for gatorade or popsicles? It wasn't a big display, but there was a sign saying that they had more, and different brands, at the front of the store past the registers. They had a lot more.

Good job Wal-mart?

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Ninjas and Prisoners

I was watching a video of prisoners practicing their performance of "Thriller".. yes.. *that* Thriller. It's pretty remarkable, and I'll link to it at the bottom of this. There were several other videos from this prison, and it looks like the administrative folks there have a bit of an interest in performance arts. An odd one that caught my eye was them doing the "Algorithm March." That video.. well, let's just say I had a "wtf" moment.

BUT THEN!!! (exclamation points!) I found a video titled "Algorithm March! with Ninjas!".. I think it made my day. Here it is:

And the prisoner videos to round it out:

CPDRC inmates – "Thriller"

CPDRC inmates – "Algorithm March"

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An odd dream

Hopefully I can get someone trained in the arts of dream interpretation to stumble over this post…

My dream last night started out with me waking up and starting to get ready for work. Everything seemed completely normal, nothing out of place. Until I decided that I needed to shave before going to work (which is something I hardly ever do in the morning.) Not even half-way through the process of de-stubbling my face, I realized that I was already late for work. Panic sets in and I fall deeper into the dream. The only logical thing, apparently, was to jump in my car and proceed to finish shaving on the way there, which is less that a few minutes.

So the trip to work was pretty normal, except that for some reason the drive started on the complete opposite side of town from where I actually live. I remember thinking that that was pretty bizarre in the dream, but just shrugged it off. So I got to work, but somehow the 5 minute drive had made me almost an hour later, but I still wasn't finished shaving (you try shaving in your rear-view mirror while watching traffic, even in my dream I couldn't pull it off.)

My work.. it was completely different though. I ended up in some enormous bathroom, the likes of which I've never come across before. In fact, there was a huge conference room area (complete with vending machines) right in the middle of it. Somehow the lighting near all of the mirrors made it impossible to actually see myself in the mirror, so the task of shaving went unfinished. But while I was trying, for some reason people kept coming through. A tour was led through the bathroom, which was really odd since there was only one door, and they somehow continued through without going back out that door. A girl that I work with also made a point to come downstairs and enter this non-existent bathroom to further give me crap about my situation. All things considered, I was a bit entertained, both in the dream and out.

But now.. now I'm just wondering what the heck it was all about. It seems way too random, so there must be some rational explanation or meaning behind it. Anyone have any ideas?

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